Boudoir moments, submissive stories
Here are the traces of the whirlwind of our meetings: stories of encounters, extracts from letters, inspiring exchanges.
More testimonials? Visit my creations website La Férule.
Thoroughly yours,
Madame Lule, Domina in Paris.

An exceptional sensory journey
I had the pleasure of meeting Madame Lule one afternoon. I'm not going to tell you in detail what happened (I'm...

No! Ouch! Ouch!
As I made my way into the Cruel Boudoir, the door opened slowly, revealing a dark and mysterious interior. I crossed the threshold and...

Orgasmic chaos
Madame, for our 3rd meeting, here I am, climbing your stairs to join you. My heart is pounding like it did on the first...

Sit down! Stand up! Punishment!
One October day in Paris, under a blue sky, sunny despite the season, I headed for Madame Lule's dungeon....

Caught in the trap
It all began like a normal day, or almost: gray weather, a classic commute. I brought everything Madame...

Ah yes! But still!
First of all, before I forget, thank you for your excellent whisky. I really appreciated it and the exchange we had then. To...

Back to mass
I'm finally back at Madame Lule's for a second interview. I can't quite imagine what this session will be like, but my...

First HR interview
The photo says it all... I like to play with others, especially my dear Indoctrinatrix. Mr Beauséjour was our victim, or rather our...

Without wanting to fight
First of all, I'd like to thank you warmly for this extraordinary evening, which I think I'll remember for a very long time. ...

Submitted because...
Poem by K. Wednesday, September 25, 9:46 PM. I am submissive because in the shadow of night, I find a peace that...

An incredible feeling
Good evening Madame Lule, Waouhhhh... MEMORABLE! As you can see, this session was really fantastic! All the sensations were very good, most of them...

A moment without landmarks
Hello Madam, First of all, a big thank you for this timeless interlude. Touching the feeling of abandonment is such a rare thing. To live...

Shameless in your presence
For our 2nd meeting Madame, you showed great inventiveness. As soon as I arrived, you brilliantly destabilized me, lost as I was...

The one who decides
Music I'd like you to know that I loved listening to your musical universe in the background. I think it was jazz, at least...

Give up?
The first question I was asked by the cab driver on my way home was: "Did you have a nice evening?

She was a complete stranger...
As for our summer session, it was a very special one, in the heat as usual. More than just...

Your human warmth
After one day, I'd like to give you my impressions of yesterday's session, and confirm that I found you very professional...

Almost flawless
To kick off the show, Madame Lule invited me to discover her new creation, Les oubliettes. I was honored to be invited in during...

(In)visible spectrum
Vermeil, the alcantara of the Togo sofa you're lying on, alone on this late Wednesday afternoon. Indigo, the lotus petals...

I'm alive
In the underground corridors of the metro, eternally dull and tumultuous, I run. I'm late, and nothing matters anymore...

Your range of dildos
Suddenly, the door opens and Madame, you're standing there, majestic, with a mischievous, enigmatic smile that seduces me. I a...

Shivers go through my ears
In a word: "novelty". 1st time I've been called pizza. 1st time I've been waxed. 1st time...

Don't give in to temptation
When I publicly propose a task for my perpetual calendar, the Malendrier, and K grabs it, here's the result......

Insulting your eyes
Your eyes will be my first session with you, Madame. My first real session of sado-masochism. If I'd practiced fetishism ardently, been...

A nocturnal encounter between two strangers
When my submissive flonflons, a name chosen by me, was still just faflon, a name chosen by him.First session as a prelude to our relationship...

Stigmata on my skin
K. is a subscriber to my website La Férule, Here's what he did with it... ___ One evening in July, I decided...

Loss of control
After making an appointment with Madame Lule and following her instructions, I arrived at the foot of the building. At the time she had indicated, I...

All penetrated by this idea...
This story relates the scripted session that Madame Lule was generous enough to grant me. The context of the story is purely fictional,...

Such a state of submission
I particularly appreciated this session for the diversity of sensations I experienced. Sometimes a femme fatale filled with sensuality, sometimes a Mistress-Woman abusing her...

Excellent leverage
Some passages from L'Emanuscule inspired me in different ways. Some to implement with you, others with my wife. Getting there...

Emanuscule dosage
Hello Madame,As promised, I'm sending you my feedback on your book Emanuscule, which is dense, a real journey of transformation....

A lover of your pen
A. read my book La Loi du Talon and liked it. He made a point of telling me, which, in...

By heart, pen and blood
Flonflons has been my submissive for some time now. We share an imagination that mixes photos, sculptures, writing, music, dance and funny...

The roots of voyeuristic pleasure
"Yes, go and have a shower, I've still peed on you! Remember, you gave this order in...

Elegance tinged with perversity
It's always a pleasure to meet you at each new session. It's also a great pleasure to bring Marthe to life, session...

My beautiful tree
Madam, it's time. While I always write down my most memorable moments (!) at the end of a session, I still need a...

As a professional dominatrix, I refuse to be dictated to about my conduct and the content of my sessions: who, when, how...

The infernal saraband
Here you are with a martinet. You've chosen the one with the stiff braided straps that leave nice marks. I'm startled...

A Mistress's foot
- I'm going to teach you how to put stockings on me. You see, these are seamed stockings. They have to be straight up the back...

Metal prison
After our very pleasant first meeting yesterday, you kindly lent me a chastity cage and stockings, which...

Low resistance
A session at Madame's written by a submissive who imagines himself in Madame's head... Point of view switch! Address,...

I've got to breathe
Marie's child returns... I had just come back from my first visit to Madame, and I wanted to go back. Early August was a time...

Sucking without fail
As I climb the stairs to Madame's apartment, my heart starts beating faster, and not just because of...

Because of this overflow
Madam, I owe you a confession, impossible without the combined effects of fatigue and a few beers. I want... I want that... I want that...

Abundance of perverse gifts
I marveled at your site, which I discovered yesterday. I thank You from the bottom of my heart and guts for the abundance of perverse gifts that...

Your sometimes animal and sadistic desires
With the start of the session authoritative and very simple, you on top and me underneath on the tiles, I felt...

Belonging to you
Lying on my back, almost in the fetal position, in the middle of your boudoir, feet, hands and head trapped in a straitjacket, I...

The embodiment of temptation
Severin, a fur fetishist, wrote me this poem after our first session in early spring. To Madame Lule, dressed...

A true adventure in pleasure
Madam, It's not easy to write down the whirlwind of emotions and sensations I experienced with you. I arrived at your...

Her blood red nails
Once more a restless night slowly goes by Eyelids finally drop like heavy scales as I think about dearest Lule-aby til I'm...

Lectures on fucking
Some time ago, G came to my still for a very amusing role-playing game... Here's his story. ...

The phantasmagorical symphony
As I wrote to you, for me this meeting was magical, a real little masterpiece, unimaginable for a first meeting....

Blessed are the innocent
Madam, I found your book captivating from the outset, rich in emotion and perfectly in keeping with the world you describe on your...

Venus in Furs
He calls himself F. F for Fourrure, his guilty pleasure. I received F. in L'Alambic on an (already) hot day in...

Femme fatale
I met L. at a book signing organized by Métamorph'Ose. L. thought La Loi tu Talon was erotic,...

Decency, decay
We climb the stairs in silence, you in front of me, Lorelei behind. I feel like a prisoner under escort. We enter...

On the verge of exhibition
At the café. For the first time ever, we're meeting in a public place, a café to be precise. You've summoned me at 2pm. A...

Impossible to speak
I was delighted to find Madame waiting for me behind the door with a smile as devastating as it was destabilizing....

The warmth of your Boudoir
Simple but effective: put a scarf on my face without letting it fall off. Removal of the wax with the knife,...

The taste of nylon
Three months after our first meeting and a few email exchanges, you're once again doing me the honor of receiving me. Putting a...

Almost bitchy
The night was tormented. At the appointed hour, I arrived breathless at Madame's door. My breathlessness was more due to...

Warm, violet, dark
I'd like to thank you once again by e-mail and make it clear that I had a great time with you...

Paradise of torments
I'd like to take advantage of the respite of a Sunday to write you a few words of thanks and share with you a few evocations and...

An unforeseen event
Facing you. In your den. I expect a friendly, well-mannered exchange, taking our time before gradually moving towards...

Delicious blend
Madam, An amusing anecdote. Last Friday morning, I had a business appointment 50 meters from your house. I didn't come to...

Thrills and spills
First of all, I had anticipated a lot about our session. I'd imagined it a thousand times and anticipated all sorts of things. With the...

The symphony of sensations
About 24 hours after leaving you (and after a very long night's recuperative sleep!) I'm still head...

The rhythm of the strokes
I've only met you at l'Alambic, so the start of the session is naturally a little different /in this new venue/...

Erotic talismans
Days come and go, and weekends certainly don't! Unfortunately, I already feel so far away from...

One of many novice submissives
You warned me: the session starts before the session. But when? That's a difficult question to answer....

The ultimate perversity
Madame, During my first session with you, I didn't obey your instructions, because I came while you had me...

A form of reward
- Do you take pleasure or is it just pain? I oscillate between pain on impact and pleasure when my body heats up...

Overcome by shame
Dear Madam, here we are, on the eve of our appointment. At last, at last! Such a long wait, only to be frustrated tenfold. Since we last spoke,...

My Sunday walk
Hello Madam, I hope you are well on these different days. Just an anecdote that should amuse you. I'm lucky enough to be...

The Pleasure Box
Strange as it may seem, I wasn't all that anxious to meet you. I'd gone through all the...

A male error
Paul likes to write scenarios, which we perform during a session. This summer's theme was "Immeuble gynarchique", in which Paul plays...

A maelstrom of laughter and blows
Thank you so much for the afternoon you allowed me to spend with you at the Goûter du Divin Marquis. I felt...

Prisoner of your will
After our very pleasant first meeting yesterday, you kindly lent me a chastity cage and stockings, which...

Delicious manipulation?
After a few seconds, Madame greets me, checks my outfit and makes sure I'm following her instructions. I attach the key to my...

At this moment dependent on you
"Hello Madam, I'm Martha. I'm in charge of seeing to your needs tonight!" You're sitting opposite...