Madame, storm mitigator

Where as in an e-mail, I reveal a lot about my approach to BDSM, the necessary humanity that makes it up and my ethics towards those I receive in a session.

Hello X,

I understand very well what you're saying about our last meeting, and I'd be delighted to see you again. Since you've asked, I don't think it's a problem in itself to see us closer together. It could be a problem if you're feeling "out of alignment" or craving for "more and more".
There's sometimes a fine line between the positive, exhilarating rush of discovery and the obsessive, loop-the-loop desire. Having experienced both myself, with all the bridges that go from one to the other because we're not all of a piece, I can tell the difference by the quality of sensation I experience.
Am I clear? I hope so, but I'm not sure.

The fact is, in any case, that there are several ways of replying to your e-mail. Since I don't know which would be the best, I'll take the one that comes to me.
In the course of my many years of BDSM experience, I've had a number of private and professional experiences that have shaken me up, moved me, opened up new, exciting and sometimes dangerous perspectives, put me on the ground or in the sky - or both at the same time.

Most of these experiences were immense gifts, even privileges, and others were painful because I still wanted them, and the thought of never experiencing them again was so intense,
or not at all,
or more with the person who introduced them to me,
was unbearable - knowing full well, deep down, that it's often the immense gifts that become the worst torments, because torments and delights are quite neighborly in my oddly wired brain.
As you can see, moderation and I aren't the most natural of friends, even though we've had to tame each other to make our way together.
I think (or rather, I know) that certain experiences, because of their force and their power of deflagration, connect us elsewhere:
- elsewhere in our usual reference points of space, time, certainties and beliefs.
- Elsewhere, with a partner, I've seen images that didn't belong to me, or heard specific phrases or words during a session... maybe it was my imagination, maybe not, but it's still disturbing.
- Elsewhere in the levels of consciousness: for me, what happens during certain sessions is sacred, transcendent, even mystical.
- It's an honor to have been able to open doors for you, even if they're not the easiest ones.
I also agree with your idea of allowing time to pass, a time to breathe, to sort, to quietly "drop off" and return to a form of normalcy, perhaps cottony but, I believe, as necessary as it is gentle. The last thing I'd wish for, as a human being or Mistress (and Mistresses can be human, so human), would be to mess up your life.
Madame, storm mitigator.
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Madame Lule, may not be used, in whole or in part, without my permission.
Text originally published on my website La Férule,
Photo from Jinklab.

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