Madame Lule's birthday

On Friday March 4, surrounded by friends and devotees, I celebrated my birthday at the Divine Marquis snacks. It was funny, piquant, epic, rustling with love and pleasure(s).
This is the story of Ginger, one of my favorite submissives, and the delicious torments he endured.
A huge thank you to Ness Harper for organizing this event.
Madame Lule's messages are always a real turn-on for me. At the beginning of February, I'm invited to her birthday party. It will take place at Le Divin Marquis in early March. What luck and pleasure to be invited to share this moment with Madame! I realize what an honor it is to discover this legendary place with her.
I've never been in a place like this before, I don't know anything about the codes to be respected, and it's with apprehension that I arrive at this tea party dressed all in black.
I can't wait to meet Madame. The main room is a bar run by a slender woman. She wears a leather and chain harness, revealing numerous tattoos. A few people are at the bar and at the back of the room, seated around low tables, a group is chatting.
If it weren't for the man shackled naked on a cross and flogged by a Domina, the place would look like a simple nightclub on a tea-dancing day.
No matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find Madame Lule. Lost without her, I set off to find her in a meander of staircases, rooms and nooks and crannies with subdued lighting. It's still early, the place is empty. Back at the bar, I'm kindly guided by the Mistress of the premises: I hadn't seen the hidden staircase leading down to this vaulted cellar fully equipped for S&M.
I'm no longer lost! Madame Lule welcomes me with her warm, enchanting smile. I recognize Mistress Inanna and her submissive F, whom I had the good fortune to meet at the Boudoir Infernal last November. The latter has just received a beating and Madame Lule encourages me to stroke her bottom to see how warm it feels.
After a quick trip to the bar, our little group, complete with Maitresse Blanche, settle into the largest of the rooms. In the center is an arched bed covered in red leatherette. Along one wall stands a large banquette. In the absence of a sound system, our Mistresses wonder how to accompany the arrival of the cake.
F suggests forming a choir. At Inanna's request, he finds himself in the middle of this agora, having to improvise a singing tour.
I have to say that I keep a very low profile, not wanting to show off my poor singing skills. As he finishes a beautiful cover of WE WILL ROCK YOU, Madame Lule, with her great imagination, suggests using the buttocks of the guests to do the percussion.
I find myself bare-assed, on all fours, next to F. The faint sound of a telephone sets the rhythm and our buttocks echo. The blows are strong and I can hardly stay in place. I feel a sharp pain with each slap.
It's unimaginable for me to avoid this treatment! I grit my teeth.
I welcome the end of the song with a certain satisfaction. Madame then has a new idea! After karaoke and the percussion workshop, it's time for blind test musical! There are now three or four of us presenting our butts, and each one resonates differently. Madame Lule is a music lover!
The audience is invited to close their eyes and try to recognize which buttock is being spanked. Although the blows are frank, they are less frequent and I try to concentrate on the environment. I hear comments and, above all, laughter. How many of them are watching us exposed like this? The flashes remind me that one of the guests, a photographer, is immortalizing this moment.
The end of this blind test is not synonymous with release. Inanna Justice digs her fingers into my sides and starts tickling me. Me, usually so unreceptive, I can't resist her experience. Madame Lule immediately turns her attention to me too. I burst into a fit of giggles. I can't stop screaming.
To prevent me from opposing their torment, F holds my hands, and then they put force collars on my wrists. The ladies' fingers are even more effective. On several occasions, they vigorously searched my armpits and inner thighs.
I don't know how to put it into words: feeling those fingers digging into my armpits, sometimes very hard, causes pain and discomfort. To shut me up, Madame Lule crouches over me.
Being smothered like this is an absolute delight. Her warmth soothes me. My thoughts are completely focused on her. The sounds of impact, the laughter and comments of spectators come to me muffled.
My torment then took another turn. Madame Lule has seized my nipples. Her nimble fingers pinch and pull them. My legs are raised so that the soles of my feet are accessible. Using a wand, Inanna Justice strikes them with short, sharp strokes. The first blow literally electrifies me, the pain sharp. I writhe, but I don't want it to stop. I want to stay under Madame Lule!
As I react, the blows get faster and stronger. I can barely catch my breath.
Suddenly a blow lands on my testicles.
- Can we hit them?
I'm afraid I'll disappoint. I answer in the affirmative, securing my place for a few more minutes. Madame Lule reminds me of the safety word with which everything can be stopped. Several low-intensity shocks alternate with chopstick blows. When the pain is too intense, I concentrate on her scent.
I came to eat cake and drink oasis!
It's the first time I've let myself go like this. I've lost control! Madame Lulle loosens her grip and releases me from my shackles. She takes my head in her hands and asks me in a gentle voice if everything's all right.
Yes I'm fine, I'm in her hands. She's tender. I'm all right...
The room empties. How many people were watching me? I get dressed and meet everyone at the bar. I look for F, my tam-tam sidekick. I don't see him. He's locked in a steel cage with Mistress Blanche's submissive. The cake arrives, Madame Lule blows out her candles.
It's time for me to go. I only have one regret: not being able to spend the evening with her...
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Madame Lule, may not be used, in whole or in part, without my permission.