Le Boudoir Infernal

F* took part in the Boudoir Infernal on June 16, a BDSM evening orchestrated by Inanna Justice, Maîtresse Blanche and myself.
The theme of this boudoir was the job interview. Each candidate had to present himself to us (and to his competitors!) with a cover letter and a creative outfit.
Here's a sneak preview of the F* evening. Find out more on La Férule, laferule.comPassenger section.
The first time I saw the words "Boudoir" and "Infernal" together, I laughed! I found it so dissonant that it caught my attention! I had just experienced a "premiere" with Madame Lule, and although deep down I wanted to experience such an event, I hadn't even considered taking part. It was several months later that a few words from Madame Lule raised this question in my mind.
"What if I could participate?"
Experiencing an event like the Boudoir Infernal has been a fantasy of mine for many years. The idea of serving, in the various senses of the word, in a delimited and secure setting, of pandering to the desires of creative and energetic dominatrixes has always been more or less part of my erotic imagination.
Fantasy is one thing. Acting on it, and the opportunity to do so, is quite another. The few sessions I had the privilege of spending at Madame Lule's feet took me from fantasy to desire, and then gave me the motivation to submit my application.
For me, the Boudoir Infernal is an exceptional opportunity to confront fantasy with reality, in a safe and serious context. It's an opportunity to let myself feel unique emotions, not just to tick a box on a list, but to give back to Madame Lule a little of what she's given me, and to contribute in whatever way I can to making this evening a positive bubble for us all.
In addition to living a new experience, rich in feelings, warmth and encounters, I hope to contribute to making this a pleasant moment for all of you. A time when you can enjoy the fruits of your organization, imagination and reflection. A moment when my accomplices can also experience emotions and share in the collective pleasure.
A few words about my lighting outfit. Beyond the sequins and its originality, I imagined it to match the theme of the evening.
Mixing genres. Boudoir. Hell.
I wanted this outfit to be somewhere between two genders. One part masculine, unvarnished, ordinary for me. A feminine part adorned with sequins and pumps. And somewhere in the middle of me a demarcation. More or less visible.
A mixture of genres. Hell. Boudoir.
Thank you, sincerely, for considering my application for this infernal Boudoir!
Photo by ArthK.