Caught in the trap

It all began like a normal day, or almost: gray weather, a classic commute. I brought everything Madame had asked me to bring for our session.
The appointment time is approaching, and the minutes seem to stretch out between the desire and everything that could potentially happen to me.
Last minutes, last seconds and it's time for the appointment. I follow Madame's final instructions and make my way to her place, each step making my heart beat faster, each inspiration, each thought... I knock, I hear Madame arrive and the door opens.
Our eyes meet, my thoughts disappear.
I'm invited in, and the regent explains all the new features since my last visit.
Finally ready, I announce myself and receive my first orders: today Madame is teaching me to walk in heels. I bring along two pairs of fairly high stilettos, and under her orders I begin to parade in front of her. Forwards, backwards, half-turns; everything goes.
This is followed by the discovery of his new installation: the cross.
I'm blindfolded, hooded and gagged, then with mastery I find myself tied to it, with no means of extricating myself.
I'm trapped in my own little device, at the mercy of Madame's ideas: whispering, caressing and various toys are used at her whim and within the limits we've set.
Once freed, I'm quickly put into a neoprene suit that makes it impossible to use my arms. Straps and mittens accentuate the restriction until I can't get out of them.
All the emotions come flooding back more and more as the session unfolds; a session that seems to go by fast, very fast, too fast.
Last stop: the swing.
Entire minutes were spent contemplating what could and couldn't be done to it; a communion in the moment to conclude an emotionally-charged session.
The session comes to an end in a moment that seems out of time. A short chat with Madame follows, to discuss the session now over, and once my shoes are put away and I'm ready to go again.
We go our separate ways and I return home, reflecting on what's just happened and wondering what the next session might be.
Testimony of C. Mack.