Delicious manipulation?

After a few seconds, Madame welcomes me, checks my outfit and my compliance with her instructions. I have taken care to attach the cage key to the garter belt, and Madame remarks on this.
She recalls an account of my fantasies sent a few days earlier, and somehow projects me into it, with all her skill and talent in the matter. My excitement climbs a little higher, and I feel both vulnerable and feverish, yet very confident at the same time.
Madame brings up one of my exhibition fantasies and declares that I'm going to be able to experience it for real, as other Dominas of her acquaintance have been warned and will be watching me through the windows at a specific time... I don't know if this is delicious manipulation on her part or if there are women who will be able to see me. Still blindfolded, I feel both extremely excited and anxious at the prospect of what's about to happen.
Madame sets a kitchen timer, with its characteristic ticking, because I'm going to have to stay like this, curtains open, for five minutes.
The curtain opens, I can see the change in light through my blindfold, but I can't see anything around me, let alone if anyone can see me. Madame asks me to carefully pull down my panties, which I do immediately. I raise my arms to clasp my hands behind my neck and stand as still as possible.
My stress gradually turns to pleasure and growing excitement. I realize how much I'm enjoying this exhibition and especially the way Madame has put it together, especially as I now have to turn around to expose my buttocks.
When the time is up, Madame leads me forward, guiding me with a finger on the back of my neck. I come to rest on the carpet.
Madame hints that I like to show off, and that we might not be alone in the room! This excites me enormously, but I can't work out whether I'm being subtly manipulated, or whether there really are other people there.
After a moment, Madame removes my blindfold, but I'm not allowed to look behind me. I have to get down on all fours, spread my buttocks to show myself open and offered as I should be. My thoughts go in all directions, and my excitement continues to soar.
Suddenly, to my great surprise, a voice from behind me calls out "Hello doll". I realize that I'm presenting my spread buttocks to a stranger, an absolutely exhilarating sensation...
Testimonial from Poupée.