The phantasmagorical symphony


As I wrote to you, for me this encounter was magical, a real little masterpiece, unimaginable for a first encounter. In fact, it was absolutely incomparable to anything I'd ever experienced with other dominatrixes. My other experiences had always been in stereotypical BDSM formalism - apart from social time.
During the sessions I was mute, unless the Mistresses asked me to count the blows, to thank them for the mistreatment, or to repeat aloud that I was "a shit. a stinker. etc.". It was all part of the ceremony, and most of the time I enjoyed it. But with you it was totally different, right from the start I felt totally confident and relaxed - probably a little too much so, since you logically had to call me to order with your suave but firm voice so that I would maintain a respectful posture in front of you.
The tone was set and I really liked it.

The gradual introduction with a mixed social time and the start of the session was perfect for this first meeting.
The first real test on the sensitivity of my nipples put me in condition. I don't know whether my left nipple, to which you applied the Synthol precept "it feels good where it hurts", is extremely sensitive as I think it is, or whether you treated it with a vigorous kindness that opens up prospects for the future.

After a few ablutions, I stood in front of the still's door, pressed the knocker and, after a short wait, leapt into the unknown. The dark atmosphere and the music immediately enveloped me and I knew I was exactly where I wanted to be with a sublime Mistress-Woman who was going to play her part on my body and soul.
What followed confirmed my first impressions: the sensory symphony you put me through captivated me. After the rite of putting on a collar to acknowledge my submission, and then leading me to the privileged place reserved for me for the session, you began the performance of your first work, Madame Lule's "Symphonie fantasmagorique", with the first movement, "A sandstorm on a naked body", which produced an incredible sensory awakening in me, even during the more sustained gusts.
The execution was masterly, and the effect was enhanced tenfold by your mischievous voice and mischievous, sardonic gaze. It raised my endorphins and made me happy. How could I have imagined that when I met a Mistress, even the stinging impacts would make me laugh out loud and give me a new, jubilant emotion?

After that, the movements followed one another in a skilfully measured crescendo, without the Synthol precept "it feels good where it hurts" going out of fashion. I was ecstatic until you announced the last movement, "Toccata sans Fugue (possible) à la langue de dragon". My elation was tinged with a slight anxiety, and I feared I would have to resort to Code Red in order to stop the performance of your work. Fortunately, this was not the case: my body sublimated the scathing caresses of the dragon's tongue, and even my penis seemed to appreciate the treatment, which was admittedly rather gentle in its case, as it tried to indicate magnetic north.
After this first work, you followed up (dare I say it) this sensory concert with a piece for strings. A nostalgic piece for me with the bondage of the feet, an attention on your part that moved me deeply. For a moment, I thought this part would be more static, but here again, as a good conductor, you knew how to use your baton to set the tempo and beat time on the arch of my foot.
You've also introduced me to the pleasure of chains, their heaviness and the coldness of metal is a new and pleasurable sensation to explore. It contradicts a saying of mine: "Where there's chain there's no pleasure".

Everything was perfect and I even thought for a moment that coming wasn't really necessary for this perfectly successful first encounter. The end of the session completely erased this fleeting thought. The arrival of the black vibrating ball on my sex initially delighted me, as once again you had titillated my nostalgic side. However, I soon became very frustrated as the vibration was insufficient to make me come and I thought I wouldn't reach an orgasm.
I don't know if this was intentional on your part but my frustration was enormous at the time - it was a little torture, I was desperate for you to increase the stimulation. Fortunately, the white magic wand arrived and combined with the impacts on my arches, I came in a prodigious orgasm. Coming while tied up increases the sensations tenfold and I hope I didn't sound the whole building with my moans of pleasure.


Text by Y.