Shivers go through my ears

In a word: "novelty".
1st time I've been called a pizza.
1st time I've been waxed.
1st time I've felt the "roulette" (I don't know the name of this instrument and I must confess my ignorance).
1st time I've impaled myself on a hook.
1st time wearing clips.
1st time I've been gently bitten.
1st time a Mistress has given me the shivers via my ears.
Over and above all these firsts, I'll always remember meeting a very beautiful person, in every sense of the word. I'll also remember your wit and your "perversity".
Intelligence can often be read in the eyes, and yours was (very) deep. Words can hide and disguise thoughts and emotions. Not the look.
I sincerely hope you've had a good time, because that's what's most important to me. I'm well aware that there's room for improvement and that I wasn't able to meet all your expectations.
I'd like to thank you for our final exchange, even though, as you can probably tell, I was a bit reserved. I'm not in the habit of sharing thoughts seriously and "outside" the session with the person receiving me. To tell the truth, this authenticity is very pleasant and almost as interesting as the session itself.
I have a lot to say (your originality, your universe, your charm...) but I'll stop here because I'm afraid of being too long otherwise...