1334 steps

One day, while visiting La FéruleI read one of the Malendrier entitled "Cold Burns". This task involved walking a distance of at least 30 meters with toothed capsules under the palms of the feet. When I read it, I thought it might be a great idea to discover another facet of masochism that I hadn't tried until now.

After several weeks of reflection, I decided to make it that very evening by going to the launderette. Before leaving my apartment, I carefully placed five capsules under my feet, holding them in place with my socks. I then slipped on my shoes and as soon as I stood up, I immediately felt a stinging sensation under the soles of my feet. As I took my first steps, I immediately realized how difficult the task was.

After closing the door to my apartment, I was confronted with my first obstacle: the stairs. This usually trivial passage became much more complex with this constraint.
With each step, the sensation of the capsules under my feet intensified, especially when my weight rested on just one foot.
As I reached the first floor, I realized that this task wasn't going to be so easy. 
When I left my apartment building, I had to walk for over five minutes to reach my car. I walked down the street as if nothing had happened, as normally as possible without attracting people's attention.
After a few strides, a new obstacle appeared in front of me: a crosswalk. Of course, luck and I are one and the same, and as luck would have it, the green man turned red before my very eyes. This moment of waiting, which should have been harmless, turned into a torment. Each passing second seemed interminable, and I could feel the stabbing pain intensifying, as if my skin were sinking millimetre by millimetre.
After what seemed an eternity, the light finally turned green. Relieved, I set off again, each step bringing me a little closer to my car. As I sat in my car, I breathed a long sigh of relief.

The journey to the launderette was smooth and painless, and I parked right in front of it. As soon as I got out of the car, the first pains began to show. I entered the launderette, collected my things and returned to my car, trying to appear as normal as possible despite the growing pain.
On the way back, I parked in the same spot. I realized that the next five minutes were going to be particularly trying. Stepping out of the car into the winter shade, I grabbed my things and headed for my apartment.
As soon as I took my first steps, I immediately felt the effect of the capsules, a sensation that intensified with each stride. To alleviate the pain in my metatarsal, which had become very sensitive, I decided to walk on tiptoe out of sight, but this strategy had repercussions on the soles of my feet, which were subjected to greater stress.
I breathed deeply to try and ease the pain without attracting attention, even though the street was almost deserted. I arrived again at the famous crosswalk in frustration because the man was once again red. These few seconds of waiting seemed endless, amplifying my discomfort and impatience. The combination of pain and cold made the wait particularly cruel.
As I reached the front of the building, I realized I had to climb the stairs to my apartment. Those last seconds were very, very painful.
Returning to my apartment, I sat down and removed my shoes, socks and the capsules embedded in my skin. It was a very intense task, which allowed me to explore a new facet of masochism, but also to test my physical and mental limits.

When I completed this task, I installed an app on my phone that counts my steps to get a rough idea of the distance covered. According to the app, I took 1,334 steps, or 933 metres.

Testimony of the very brave K. !