The 7 heady sins

"Madam, I come to confess to you... ",
"Madam, my evil inclinations must be corrected,
"Madam, flog meI beg you, to improve my nature!
In turn Mistress of lost crittersconscience and High PriestessI'm in charge, in my Cruel Holy Boudoir, of putting submissives back on the right track.

To this end, I have already the equipment customised prie-Dieu, St Andrew's cross and Oubliettes!

My priesthood? To deal with one sin after another, so that only the good grain remains.

Greed - You'll have to express your generosity to Me, right from the moment you arrive.

Laziness - At my service you'll put yourself forward without a second thought, an active little hand that frees me from my chores.

Pride - Before me you will bow, and under my humiliations you will be mortified. Lower.

Gourmandise - Everything I put inside you, you must keep, suck and swallow.

Anger - You must remain calm at all times, on pain of my own wrath.

Envy - You must resist all my temptations...

Lust - ... and maybe, just maybe, you'll get your wish.
