Chouette, les Oubliettes!

Be my prisoner! - From seclusion to jubilation

Les Oubliettes is the Cruel Boudoir's blue-and-red, damask-clad hideaway of secrets. Here, you'll find yourself one-on-one with your nastiest thoughts, just long enough to marinate, or to become, hour after hour, the forgotten one of Les Oubliettes.
Consult the scenario L'oublié des Oubliettes.

Door and curtain closedYou're listening to everything that's going on on the other side. It's a well-known fact that walls have ears! As luck would have it, I've received a submission...
Variant : what if the person locked up wasn't you, but one of my accomplices on the lookout?
Consult the scenario L'entendeur des Oubliettes.

Door closed and curtain openI'll be the center of your attention. Perhaps you'll have the right, or even the duty, to use the glory hole to show off your best bits: your sex to martyr, your mouth to fill, your begging hand.
Variant : what if the person locked up wasn't you, but one of my accomplices watching your defeat?
Consult the scenario Le voyeur des Oubliettes.

Open door and curtainBut don't think you've been released just yet. Your charming jail has hooks and chains. Freedom is an illusion, didn't you know?

Good to know

  • In the Oubliettes, we stand, kneel and possibly sit.
  • Sequestration during the day or evening, limited to 6 hours.
  • Are you claustrophobic? The curtain will stay open.

Architecture of the imaginary

Over the years, I've designed my BDSM dungeon to reflect my inner worlds. I have a taste for the clandestine, the hidden, the bizarre.
I love nooks and crannies, secret passages, back doors and trap doors that open - sometimes half-open - to reveal what's going on on the other side. Thus, the antechamber of Cruel Boudoir, an airlock between the world outside and inside, stretches between a double curtain and a very special door. Those who know know...
That's how the Oubliettes were born, reduced in size to increase the possibilities of play. Small, yes, but so big.

Further into the Oubliettes?