An exceptional sensory journey

I was lucky enough to meet Madame Lule one afternoon. I won't tell you in detail what happened (I want to preserve its mystery), but I will share my experience.
I was greeted by a very pretty woman with a beautiful smile, who put enough distance between me and my role for me to feel immediately at ease. Questions and instructions were gently enunciated, but with no alternatives. Then I stood before the door of her secret salon, naked and docile. She inspected me with her eyes, spinning me around, reinforcing my desire to submit to her.
Once inside, I received a necklace and then lost my sight. The music sometimes drowned out her voice, but her hands slowly guided me to the game of her choice. My buttocks felt a hard, cool beam, she announced a St. Andrew's cross...
I felt my wrists being strapped and tied up high. Then my ankles suffered the same fate. A flush of heat ran through me at being so exposed, offered and vulnerable. Belts completed my restraint and increased the pleasure of feeling so much under her domination.
Then began a long game of roulette, pliers, martinet, spreading waves throughout my body. Little by little, I reached new levels of pleasure and pain. I absorbed the waves of pleasure, gasped, contorted and let myself be invaded by the vibrations.
The belts were unbuckled, as were my limbs, and Madame Lule asked me to turn around and offer myself to her whips. What a pleasure to stand like this without restraint, to arch my buttocks and feel the tingle of mane or the intense bite of dragon's tongue. I tensed, stifling little cries, but savoring the moment.
So, no doubt to reward me, Madame Lule offered me a hot cold one of her secret kind...
Finally, I must say that it's delicious to feel how much she enjoyed playing with my sensations, making me describe them and taking me a little further each time.